Saturday, June 21, 2008

School House Rock

The School House Rock performance put on by the Harris County Drama summer camp was phenomenal! I grew up watching School House Rock on Saturday mornings, so to see another generation of kids getting excited about it was really neat. They didn't create any fancy backgrounds or wear any fancy costumes. They wore tie-dyed shirts they made during camp, spray painted their hair and wore it in funky styles. The focus was really on the kids and it was amazing what they did in only 2 weeks. There is a second performance tonight at 7pm at the old Mountain Hill School.
I wasn't able to get any photos of the kids. No flash photography or video taping is allowed during the performance. They didn't perform all of the songs just some of the most popular like: Nouns, Conjunction Junction, Circulation, Interjections, Bill, and We the People, and Interplanet Janet. The play only lasted about an hour, but it was non-stop action. The audience was captivated from the openning lines. Tatum was in several of the songs, but she didn't have any solos. She has a lot of stage presence though and isn't afraid to perform in front of a large audience.

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